If you are an unmarried dependent student, you must file a tax return if your earned or unearned income exceeds certain limits. Even if you do not have to file, you should file a federal income tax return if you can get money back (for example, you had federal income tax withheld from your pay or you qualify for a refundable tax credit).
Keep In Touch
- Abatement of Tax Penalties
- Audits And Tax Court
- Business Transactions
- Cannabis / Marijuana Tax Services
- Criminal Tax Investigations
- Crypto-currency / Bitcoin – Tax Representation Services
- Currently Not Collectible
- Delinquent Tax Returns
- Employment And Payroll Taxes
- Entity Formations
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning For Non US Citizens
- Estate Tax Planning
- FATCA | Foreign Account Reporting Compliance
- FBAR | Foreign Bank Account Reporting
- Full Pay Service
- Income Tax Planning
- Innocent Spouse Claims
- IRS & State Tax Controversies
- IRS Offshore Tax Investigations
- IRS Offshore Tax Investigations
- IRS State Tax Controversies
- Offers In Compromise
- Payment Agreements
- Representation Of Tax Preparers And Other Tax Professionals
- Revenue Officer Assistance
- Tax & Estate Plannng
- Tax Liens And Levies
- Wage Garnishment